IMG_2079Pacific Western Equipment Finance (PWEF) believes that the success of businesses plays a crucial role in a strong and vibrant economy. They also believe that throwing a good employee party is important to their business culture and, well it’s just fun! With that in mind, every year they have a company party designed to surpass the prior year. They do not repeat the same theme twice, and with bigger and better the goal, Pierpont Place was a perfect fit.IMG_2052

With the theme of Fire & Ice, flower arrangements resembled flames, and the centerpieces had frozen branches with dangling crystals. It was hard to decide if one should be hot or cold with all the great representations of the theme. And of course there was an ice sculpture. Not to be left out of the fun, the bartenders juggled and tossed bottles set to flame to the music of the talented dueling pianists. Everyone learned that a whistle blow meant that either an awesome display of drink mixing with fire was about to take place or that a chef was about to light a pan of pears on fire. From multiple flaming culinary stations to action ice luges, the room was filled with Fire & Ice stimulation.IMG_1898

The night had a fun twist when the tips from the dueling pianos were raffled off to one of the guests! Not only did PWEF employees have a good time with food, fun and entertainment, but one lucky employee got paid for it! We’ll have to start planning now to beat that one!


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